Wednesday, March 25, 2009

KPTQ Spokane WA 1280 - operated only at 125 watts!

KPTQ from Spokane Washington was audible on ENOX15 on March 18 this year with a decent signal. KPTQ has Progressive Talk -format and it verified with an interesting email last night. The v/s wrote:

"I can verify the recording you sent was aired by 1280 KPTQ-AM.
You are the first DX report this station has ever received. It was recently modified to allow an increased power level during night operation. It now operates at 125 watts during night pattern. Previously it was only 33 watts. As you can tell, the increase made a difference.
KPTQ is directional both day and night. Daytime operation allows about 5000 watts. It uses two towers to create the patterns used to protect other stations on the same frequency. The transmitter for this station is manufactured in Canada by Nautel. It has been in service for six years.
I am very impressed you heard this station. Congratulations on being our first DX report!"

Actually the station has been heard a couple of times before in Finland and at least one, maybe more, QSL has arrived in Finland before mine. However this was a nice add to my WA -collection that consists of 76 stations at the moment.

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